Waterless Composting Toilets NZ

Waterless Composting Toilets NZ info, products & news

We here at Waterless Composting Toilets NZ are proud to distribute the Clivus Multrum, Ecolet and AfriSan waterless composting toilets nationwide in New Zealand.

The Clivus Multrum waterless composting systems have a proud heritage, having been designed and built over 70 year ago - the real tried and proven composting toilet, which have set the international standards and have become a reputable and widely recognised system because of its ease of use and simplicity in principal.

The Clivus Multrum is the premium self-contained, waterless, odourless toilet system. It uses no chemicals, heat or water and has no polluting discharge. It can save over 20, 000 litres of water per year in the average home and costs far less than regular treatment systems. It is based on one of the oldest principles in nature - simple organic decomposition. The Clivus units strictly adhere to the A/NZ Standards for an on-site waste-water treatment system.

The following are just some of the places where you are likely to find a Clivus Composting Toilet System: - Domestic Households - Permaculture Centres - Camping Grounds - Remote Communities - Alpine Regions - Environmental Education Centres - Scout Associations - Local Sporting Groups - Tourist Lodges & Resorts - National Parks & Wildlife Services.

Our Ecolet range is smaller in scale, a domestic in-house semi-composting toilet. It uses electricity to partially dehydrate the waste (or resource!) material whilst speeding the decomposition process. Tested against BEAL Standards in NZ, this toilet is a wonderful example of Swedish design, and is both convenient and functional, where space and sporadic use is concerned.

For information on our toilets, just contact us! We are more than happy to answer any queries and help in any way to meet your needs.

PDF versions of our brochures are available on the website, otherwise send us your postal details and we will send out hard copy versions for your convenience.

Please get in touch with Waterless Composting Toilets NZ from the Contact box on the right.

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