FriendlyPak BagPak range

FriendlyPak BagPak range Product details

FriendlyPak BagPak range Product by:

FriendlyPak BioBags range are Biodegradable and compostable while maintaining the strength of ordinary bags. They are manufactured by Mater-Bi, one of the first bio plastic producers in the UK. No Genetically modified organism are used when producing these excellent bags.

The BioBags range includes Ziplock bags which would suit any kitchen and are great to pack your kids school lunches in.

BioBags are a great liner for collecting food scraps, the entire range has no smell. If you use these bins purely to collect food scraps you can take the bag containing the food scraps and put them directly into a compost or worm farm.

Biodegradable bags are a great way for everyone to help reduce the waste going into landfills and return the organic matter back to the earth for a sustainable future.

Please use the Contact form on the right for FriendlyPak BagPak range information and ordering.

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